I know I'm not alone in feeling that spring is long overdue. 20 degree days make just about everything not-fun, unless you happen to enjoy swollen, cracked fingers and snotcicles. ;)
Even Squirrelly is ready for some warmth.

My riding has been very sporadic, and even my knitting has slowed down to monogamy. (Of course, that might be the backlash from the insane holiday multi-project marathon...) 2010 might become my year of selfish knitting. I have at least 8 sweaters worth of yarn, and numerous design ideas floating around in my head. We'll see what comes of that.

Ryan and I spent last Saturday afternoon spending Christmas money at the Red Canoe. I do think it's a very good use of a cold day and extra money... I forgot to take a picture, but we also got a half dozen of their incredible muffins. Perhaps we'll spend this Saturday afternoon there as well. ;)

So that's about all. Except, I think I may need to knit a pair (or 3!) of these!
Spring, anyone??

Hey Emily,
I love your pictures......esp. my little squirrely! She looks so snug!!
Can't believe the tulips..so beautiful!!!!
And what can I say about Red Canoe other than I am READY to EAT SOME YUMMY MUFFINS!!!!!!
I am so with you on the leg warmers. I can just see them over my jodphurs. Not something I would uually want but this cold weather is starting to get to me!
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