Can you find my car?

Yeah, that's my side mirror.
So what's a girl to do?

Knit (while watching Torchwood).

Take pictures.

Play with a "new" (rescued from the depths of the closet) camera remote.

Drink coffee. (Don't worry - it's not done yet.)

Oh, and of course, play in the snow!

Fun, fun!!
How cute! You are so brave to be there all by yourself! I'm glad you still have power, but I have no doubt that you are resourceful enough to survive even without power. Will Ryan even be able to get home? Love you!!!
Looks like you are hanging in there and doin' just fine. Take Care.
Thanks for the pictures!!!! Looks like quite an ADVENTURE!!!
Food, knitting, coffee, what more could you want???? Except for RYAN!!!!
Hope he gets home safely and SOON!!!!
Love and HUGS!!! Mom
Dear Emily,
Sounds like you found plenty to do while Ryan was gone. It looks like you had fun with your camera. I love the night picture of your street. Beautiful lighting.
Mom Too
Hahaha! I love your blog! I always feel like I'm right there with you! Although it always makes me feel a little guilty that I'M the one with the photography degree... You really are good with a camera! You inspire me to go pick up mine & start shooting everything around me again... I've been a very delinquent photographer:) BTW, I LOVE the green sweater thing you are wearing in the "rediscovered remote" picture. I know that's a random comment, but I love it that much;) Happy knitting! From the sounds of the weather, you are going to be able to get all 8 of those sweaters finished!
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