Sunday, June 28, 2009

Not-so-new knits

These have both been finished for a full year, and I've only now gotten around to blocking them and taking photos. Absurd, considering that I'm very happy with both!

Drawstring Chemise, by Connie Chang Chinchio
from Interweave Knits, Spring 2008
Blue Sky Alpaca Skinny Dyed Cotton, 3 skeins "Squash"
US 1 & 2 needles
Rav link

A fun, quick knit. I only took so long to block it because I couldn't find a cheap white camisole to wear underneath it. But I finally found one, and wore the top out yesterday in Alexandria. No one even asked it I made it myself - yay!

I modified this to knit in the round, slipping the "seam" stitches. That ended up being a pretty little detail. I also modified stitch counts because I couldn't get gauge.

I completely love it, and have a feeling that there will be more of these in my future.

Then for something completely different:

Swallowtail Shawl, by Evelyn A. Clark
from Interweave Knits, Fall 2006

Fiddlesticks Knitting Zephyr, less than 1 skein "Blueberry"
US 2 needles

Rav link

Not a whole lot to say about this, other than that I'm smitten. I think I took close to 100 pictures of it. (Thank goodness for digital cameras!)

The Honeycomb Blanket has momentarily stalled - I'm trying to finish my Paper Crane in time for a trip to Florida in August. With 8.5 inches of the body finished, I'm feeling mildly optimistic... but wish me luck! ;)


Three Bags Full said...

Hi Emily,

First off, congrats for winning the Knitspot prize from Briar Rose - I am so jealous!

Second, my daughter will be spending the summer/fall in Bethesda, and is looking for a place to take riding lessons (intermediate) between Bethesda and Alexandria. Might you have any recommendations?

Thanks so much! Lovely shawl and cami, btw! Michele

Emily said...

Hi there Michele,

Thanks for the congrats! I still cannot believe I won that basket of goodies. I've had lots of luck in giveaways this year, and think it might soon be time for me to hold a giveaway of my own...

What discipline does your daughter ride? I can ask my instructor if she has any suggestions; we're a bit of a hike from Bethesda. Great starting point websites are:

The last one might be your best bet if your daughter rides dressage - it's the area dressage association. Good luck to her, and what fun!!


mom said...

Hey Emily,
You HAVE been lucky with your winnings! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!!
your knitted creations. Nana would be so proud!!! And NANNY!!!!
You look so great on Addy..she;s such a pretty pony!
Love You Mom

Bea said...

Wow! Fabulous FO's, that shawl is just gorgeous. I keep looking at the swallowtail pattern but never quite get round to casting it on.

Mom said...

Dear Emily,

I enjoyed your garden and knitting photos. The Honeycomb blanket is gorgeous. It looks as delicate as lace. Stunning! Your knit top is beautiful as well. I am amazed at the variety of textures and patterns that you create.

Holly and I have been enjoying gardening as well. It has been frustrating trying to find flowering plants that do well in our yard. Even with all the trees, the sun is so intense. Even plants that are supposed to be able to handle partial to full sun wither and die. We water them, but they just fry. We finally found a flowering plant that can handle the heat. I don't know what they are called, and Holly is at work, so I can't ask her. They are a ground cover with small succulent leaves, and lovely poppy like flowers. We planted a variety of colors along the side of the house. We love them. So do the deer. They ate half of them down to nothing before I got deer repellent. So when I said the leaves were succulent, I guess I meant it in more ways then one.

I'm so pleased to read that you are taking riding lessons. Twice a month is fine, because you probably need time to practice between lessons in order to get the most bang for your buck. Your posture is impeccable on Addy. She looks impressive as well. Head tucked down nicely, sleek and lovely lines. She has lost her tubby tummy. What a difference.

I'll see you soon.

Mom Too

Anonymous said...

Beautiful top! I can understand why you took so many pics of the shawl, beautiful!

Congrats on winning!!!

Jody said...

I love that cami! I would never have looked twice at it in the magazine - but yours is so lovely!

Your swallowtail shawl is just gorgeous too!