Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This year, we're having a decidedly unchristmasy Christmas. I can't decide if I wish I were back in Florida, surrounded by hordes of excited family members.. or if I'm happier here, spending the day quietly with my husband and kitties. I guess I wish for a little of both.

I managed to satisfactorily finish two Christmas knits this year.

Persephone for Nanny
Details at Rav link here

The first, Miriam Felton's Persephone, is perhaps one of my favorite knits. (Though don't I feel like this every time I finish something? Haha) I will certainly be knitting more of Miriam's patterns in the future, and already have more of Heather's amazing yarn stashed. ;) I did 5 repeats of the pattern, and my scarf ended up 12" x ~60" post blocking.

The second is a simple garter ribbed scarf for R, out of less than one skein of Henry Galler's Prime Alpaca. (Gorgeous stuff, I just want to snuggle it.) Super easy, and flew off the needles between various lace and cable projects. Hasn't been blocked yet.. I wasn't sure how to work that without him seeing.

Suppose I'll stop here. I have entirely too much knitting going on for one post, and I have some wheaty/oatey/corny cranberry maple muffins on the counter that are demanding immediate attention. And a hubby to wake up....

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Lovely knits!