Fat Cat Knits BFL in "Buster," 2 ply:

Fat Cat Knits Falkland in "Electra," navajo plied:

Cosy Makes Falkland in "Memory" (club fiber), singles:

Fat Cat Knits (noticing a trend here?) Falkland in "Wizard Island," navajo plied:

Mystery (Ashland Bay?) merino in greens:

And, a very proud moment... my first 6 oz. of Sequin (my first fleece)! This skein is 2 ply, spun from the carded waste left over from combing my first paper bag full of fleece.

I know that the combing waste is normally tossed in the trash, but the waste was every bit as long and pretty as the fiber that survived the combing. So rather than trash it, I carded it up and savored each minute of spinning it. It's really lovely stuff, if I may say so.
The yarn surprised me - it has shine, halo, and is going to drape well. It's also not as soft as I'd envisioned, which is perfectly fine with me. Gonna make some lovely shawls, I think!

The first fibers/yarn... Buster... Drool. Lovely work on all of them!
Love love love the carding waste yarn from Sequin's fleece! It's gorgeous! Of course everything else is too. :)
All I can say is WOW!!!!!! I cannot believe what you have created!!!!! Can't wait to see it in person...............
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