These were cute even without any further help, though.

This is Ray, our new foster pup. He had just begun a promising racing career when he broke his leg. Now he's all healed up and looking for his new home. Sometimes adjusting to the "real world" can be a little difficult though, especially when you're so good-looking and are used to being King.

He's getting the hang of things quickly - smart boy! If only he were a little smaller.....

I hope you can find a good home for the dog. They are really nice and very well behaved dogs. My neighbor had one and she was the best dog, but someone with cats cannot have this dog, because of the way they train the dogs for the racing.
How can you NOT love this dog???!!!
He is so cute with his toy.......betcha can't take it from him easily!
Just the right person will fall in love with him!
Love YOU!!!!
What a handsome fellow! Love the crate pic. Sam destroys crates so we can't use them. He is getting much better with staying in his bed at night rather than stretching out on the sofa ;-)Now, if we can just conquer the constant whining......
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