Ryan had a colonoscopy, which went well after he finally got checked in. The woman at the front desk was a bit harried, and didn't realize that he'd signed in. So, over an hour after his appointment was due to start, Ryan finally was taken back for the procedure. Thankfully, everything went smoothly, and he was out quickly. He's generally very talkative when coming out of anesthesia, and yesterday was no exception. He was quite amusing. Next time I'll try to catch it on tape.
After scarfing down some lunch, we began our next adventure. A barn friend had asked me to videotape her lesson that afternoon. Nearly two hours of driving later, we pulled up at the gorgeous farm where she boards her horse. We were loudly and enthusiastically greeted first by the resident pair of German Shepherds, and then by the resident pair of Chinese Cresteds. Ryan chose a seat in the gallery, and was immediately joined by Cutie.

Cookie, on the other hand, was not quite so happy to have strangers at the barn.

We watched a few rides, half-filmed one of them (darn dead batteries!), and thoroughly enjoyed the company. By the time 7 o'clock rolled around, we were once again starving, so made our way through the countryside to Nido Italiano in Frederick. It was our second visit, and we were once again very happily surprised. They serve real garlic bread (spicy garlic! mmm!), homemade sauces, and homemade pastas. YUM.
On the way out of Frederick, we hit some traffic. Turns out the carnival's in town! I very much wanted to stop for photos and funnel cakes, but we still had an hour's drive ahead of us.

All in all, a very good day.
Last weekend, Ryan ventured out to the barn with me on Sunday. Another gorgeous day. I took advantage of having another person around, asking him to hold Addy for me while I snapped some photos.

I got one decent one before Miss Adventure decided that one of us must have treats for her somewhere.
Was it mom?

No. Possibly Dad?

Poor Addy.
Here's to many more beautiful fall weekends at the barn!
Hi Emily,
I'm so happy everything went so well.......except for the LONG wait. That certainly is frustrating!!!!
I LOVE the pictures.as I said on Ryan's blog.......UGHLY dogs!!!!
I am anxious for some "fall" weather......looking forward to my visit! Love you, mom
Aww... but those ugly dogs are so sweet!
That dog jacket is tooo funny!!! Looks like a fun time though!!
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