Sunday, April 19, 2009

New farm!

Addy has safely settled into her new home. Yay!

The views aren't *quite* as gorgeous, and we've lost the incredible trails.. but everything else is fantastic! Addy (the plump little dumpling) is now in boot camp. No more grass 24/7, 4 days a week of work. Poor pony. ;) She definitely tries to convince me she's being starved, but she's clearly enjoying the daily attention she receives from the barn staff and her rides. She's such a people-pony.

We now have access to 2 indoor arenas, 2 outdoors, a little loop of a trail, and (soon, hopefully) a track. Even better, the barn manager and head trainer are extremely competent and inspiring.. and the boarders are all very active. Woohoo! Heaven!

I've yet to schedule my first lesson with Christine, but am looking forward to it. She seems to be very exacting, which I like. I want someone who will help Addy and I reach our fullest potential. First we need to get into shape - but I don't think that will take terribly long.

She's not looking too bad for a pony who's been out of work for 6+ months, is she? I, on the other hand, could definitely use some help with my seat/legs/position...


Mom said...

Hey Emily,
I am just OVERFLOWING with happiness and excitement for YOU!!!!!
It's so great to see the pictures and I CANNOT WAIT to see you in PERSON!!!!! Love & HUGS Mom

Greeley said...

Very exciting! I just made the decision to increase my lease to 3 x week. Daydreaming about riding all day long!

Anonymous said...

You both look great! Keep up the great work!

Emili said...

Greetings Emily, This is my first blog experience feels alot like email. Hurray for you and Addy! Your mom helped me to figure this out. God Help me! ha ha ha. Please give my regards to Ryan and tell him I hope he feels well agian soon soon soon! I will write more later if I remember how.

Love and Peace, your friend Emili

Emily said...

Thanks everyone! :) Congrats on upping your lease, Greeley - this is certainly the time of year for it!

Emili - great to hear from you! And your first blog experience! Woohoo! I hope you're doing well in CA.