Monday afternoon, in between appointments for Addy, I stopped by Jo Ann's Fabrics and picked up some, well, fabric. (Go figure.) Who knows what possessed me, but I have jumped right into a [Top Secret] sewing project. I've found that I actually really like sewing.. In my usual style, I immediately had grand plans to sew shirts and skirts for myself. Since I find it so difficult to buy anything in my size, it seems like a great idea. Except, not. I think I'm going to have to think about it a little more. I need another hobby like I need another kitty.

Lately I've found monogamous knitting difficult. Perhaps it's all the changes in weather (warm days make me want to knit linen or bamboo tops.. chilly ones bring on visions of warm woolly sweaters)... perhaps it's also the influence of Ravelry. Either way, I have too many projects on the needles to keep track of.
Also in knitting news - I won a contest over at Cloverhill! My prize was a gift certificate to Three Irish Girls, and I have absolutely no idea how to spend it. There are way too many gorgeous choices! Thank you Jolene and the women at Three Irish Girls!
On a completely unrelated note, Ryan and I had late lunch at the Red Canoe today. (Killer blueberry muffins, I swear!) A couple brought their large, lovely greyhound to sit with them on the back porch. While there are definite downsides to having a dog at this point in our lives, I can't help missing having a grey around. They're such cool, soulful dogs.

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