Incarnation #1 left me with no blood getting to my fingers. Tight, tight shoulder caps. No problem - I frogged the whole yoke back, and then back to the elbows on both sleeves. I then began again, and added more increases in hopes of increased circulation.
Incarnation #2 left me with lumpy wrinkles at my armpits. Ugh! Turns out when I increased the number of stitches at the sleeve, I was also supposed to increase the number of stitches put on hold at the armpits. Grr.

This is incarnation #2. It doesn't look too terrible, but that's only because the picture is horribly dark and I have the wrinkles stretched out. Tricksy me.
Incarnation #3 is still in progress. I'm hoping that I have all the info I need this time and have done all my math properly. I guess we'll see.
It's also worth noting that the Beaverslide yarn is holding up admirably despite all my frogging and cursing. I actually think it gets better every time.. And the color has completely won me over. How did I ever think it was too blue??

(That's my Beaverslide Zeebee making a cameo above.)
Oh! More good news! We've been approved by Greyhound Welfare as suitable foster parents! I'm not sure when we get our first dog, but am positive the blog will be full of grey pictures as soon as we get one. I can't wait to go tromping around Patapsco with a pooch!
Oh! More good news! We've been approved by Greyhound Welfare as suitable foster parents! I'm not sure when we get our first dog, but am positive the blog will be full of grey pictures as soon as we get one. I can't wait to go tromping around Patapsco with a pooch!
Congratulations! Thor is from GW in Boston. I'm very happy his foster parents gave him a home until I came along.
Thanks! :) Fostering should be perfect for us at this point, though it will be so hard to give up the dogs...
I'm glad Thor found you!
Congratulations on being approved. Not sure I would have your patience with the frogging and re knitting, I'd have abandoned it ;-)
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