I can't put it off any longer - I must make a Sheep & Wool post! Unfortunately, while I lugged my camera around with me all day, I only took one photo!

Yes, it's well established that I am a Dork. Oh well.
Mom and I arrived bright and early, which turned out to be a very good idea. By the time we got there, the lot had at least 100 cars in it already. And that was an hour before opening. By the time Ryan and family showed up, the (HUGE) lot was full and they had to park down the road and across the street. After waiting 1 1/2 hours to park. Not fun, I'm sure.
Mom and I had a blast though, despite it being completely overwhelming and crazy. My prize purchases are my new Bosworth (shown last post) and 6 ounces of North Ronaldsay fiber from Spirit Trail. Mom picked up a spindle from Spanish Peacock as well as some very pretty yarn and fiber. Though I hear that she's not spinning as much as she should..!!!
So that's it for Sheep & Wool 2010. At 3:30, Mom and I had an appointment for a photoshoot at the barn (just down the road from S&W). This is Scout, the barn manager's new lesson pony. Isn't he cute?!

While family was up, we also went to the Cylburn Arboretum (in Baltimore) and the National Arboretum (in D.C.). I highly recommend trips to either if you're ever in the area.

That's all for now - time to start the day! Here's to another awesome weekend!

Thanks for so many WONDERFUL memories!!! How grateful and blessed I am for such a wonderful
SUPER cute new pony!
Wow, how did you ever manage to leave Sheep and Wool without half the show in the back of your car *that is why I don't go to fibre fairs no ability to hit the off button when I have bought enough!*
Sounds like you had a great time with the families and I agree with you, your mum MUST do more spinning!
Oh! Could you PRETTY please send me a copy of the picture of us kneeling with all the flowers? My mom didn't get any pictures that included her with Ryan & me, so I know she'll be psyched to see this!!!
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