Introducing: Miss Macy Gray!

Macy is our new foster pup. She arrived from Daytona two Saturdays ago, and has settled into the routine of house life incredibly quickly. She never raced, so perhaps she was simply destined to be a pet, rather than an athlete. ;)

Macy has the cutest waggly eyebrows. For the first several days, we thought that they were permanently crooked. Now I think she was just worried and watchful. She also has a hilarious almost-helicopter tail. It zooms around in circles when she's happy, but she doesn't seem to have full control of it..
She's really a darling. I think she'll even be totally cat safe - yesterday Tucker climbed up the side of her crate, crisscrossed all over the top, tried to share her dinner, and even chewed on her ear.. and she pretty much fell asleep. (Maybe now we know why she didn't race?)
I'm not sure how much longer I can do the foster mom thing. We keep getting such wonderful dogs, and it gets harder and harder to part with them. Poor R had to put up with me begging to adopt Mimi for at least 6 weeks. And we only had her for 1 week!
Anyway. In other news:

Innit gorgeous?! What better to cheer up those nasty damp days? Sunshiney tweedy cabley bobbley mittens designed by the immensely talented
Jared Flood. Yay! Now if I can just find the time to finish the pair...