Well, Sheep & Wool is over 'til next year. We had a blast - I think we visited even more vendors this year. So many talented people out there! I was encouraged by the huge number of people at the fest, even though it was a rainy Saturday. I'm not sure if spending was down, but surely attendance was up!
I scored some awesomely retro-flavored Koigu (my first) at a mill ends sale. The best part about that was that the skeins were all much smaller than usual, so I picked out 5 colors for the price of 2. It's already been cast-on for a
Baby Surprise Jacket for a friend's grandbaby. Pictures soon.. I can't even begin to describe the colors.

My only other yarny purchase was 3 skeins of Fleece Artist
Blue Face Leicester sock yarn that's the most gorgeous dark silvery blues. This is destined to become an
Apres Surf Hoodie. I think.
The rest of the weekend was spent taking Mom and Erin around to our favorite eateries. Of course, we didn't have time to hit them all.. but we gave it our best shot. I really enjoyed having them around - they're so much fun. Plus I get a big kick out of seeing how similar we are in behavior...
I also had a movie buddy in the form of Mom. It's nearly impossible to get Ryan to sit down and watch an entire movie - which kills me because I adore movies. I think Mom likes them even more than I do though.
A post is barely a post without pictures, so I'll have to post some soon. But that seems like entirely too much work at 6 in the morning.
ETA: pictures! From Erin. My camera didn't want to brave the rain.